Flechs Sheets

by Flechs



View, print and mark unofficial record-sheets for BattleTech + optional play-assist features. Designed for tablets / tablet-sized screens. Network connection required for unit catalog.Import MTF files (from MegaMek or Solaris Skunkwerks) . Rule automations for many (but not all) units:• Declare, calculate and resolve attacks at generic targets or at sheets on other devices across a network.• Automatically track heat and ammo use.• Calculate and resolve piloting skill rolls and other required rolls. • Track and visualize weapon-specific to-hit modifiers caused by damage, heat, and weapon type. • Automatic damage transfer, critical hit chance resolution, wounding, conscious checks, fall resolution and ammo-explosions.Manually adjust damage and status at any time. Automations can be entirely disabled on a sheet-by-sheet basis. Some automations can be individually toggled globally (wound on head hit, conscious checks, crit chances, ammo explosions).Required rolls can be dismissed, resolved or force failed.